
Selected field recordings uploaded to radio aporee
Experimental audio compositions with field recordings on Bandcamp

ephemeral things is an experimental collection of six compositions. Melody has been found within layers of recording and editing, structured according to the principles of musical composition and interwoven with field recordings removed from their context. Vocals or instruments shift in and out of ‘beating’ dissonance while curious interjections and mumblings of the (in)audible, pause time. My intention is to capture the eerie, sensuous world of an (un)earthly, magical landscape at the heart of my forest garden. There is a sense of entering into another world; hold the moment before it slips away.

In dagian the artist collaborates with classical guitarist Torrin Williams to explore the sound world of the harmonic.

In bittersweet and inside out the artist finds fragile melancholy in the mechanical music box.

Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in these compositions.

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A collection of field recordings listening to the caged and the free.

Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in these compositions.

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Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in these compositions.

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Exploring Glenshee on residence at Murmuration#3, Scotland, June 2022.

Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in these compositions.

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shimmering; rhythmic; inaudible, devouring, tireless, drawing
Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in this composition.

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Frustration of ideas

Listen with headphones or conventional speakers to hear the detail in these compositions.

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© Sophie Standford, 2024